Stan Lee, Marvel superheroes, dead at 95


Stan Lee, who dreamed up Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk and a cavalcade of other Marvel Comics superheroes that became mythic figures in pop culture with soaring success at the movie box office, died at the age of 95.

As a writer and editor, Lee was key to the ascension of Marvel into a comic book titan in the 1960s when in collaboration with others he created superheroes who would enthrall generations of young readers.

In 2008, Lee was awarded the National Medal of Arts, the highest government award for creative artists.

Stan Lee played a significant role in Marvel Movie. He  created many famous characters which have an important meaning for our generation. The Spiderman and X-Man company us grew up together. Nowadays, he died, a legend has gone.


Post time: Nov-13-2018