What’s the Eyewash Using Step?

The steps for using an eyewash station are as follows:
Immediately after exposure to a hazardous substance, locate the nearest eyewash station.If you are wearing contact lenses, remove them if it can be done quickly and easily.
Position yourself in front of the eyewash station and quickly pull down the eyewash station handle or push the activator button to start the flow of water.
Open your eyes wide and use your hands to hold them open if necessary.Lean forward and position your eyes directly in the path of the flowing water from the eyewash station.
Keep your eyes open and rotate them to ensure the water thoroughly rinses the entire eye and surrounding area.
Continue to rinse your eyes with water from the eyewash station for at least 15 minutes. Use a gentle side-to-side motion to ensure thorough rinsing. If assistance is available, have someone activate the eyewash station for you while you keep your eyes open and head tilted slightly downward.
Seek medical attention immediately after rinsing your eyes, even if the discomfort or irritation has subsided.Remember, it’s important to follow the specific instructions provided by your workplace for using the eyewash station and seek medical attention promptly in the event of an eye exposure to a hazardous substance.


Marst Safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

No.36, Fagang South Road, Shuanggang Town, Jinnan District,Tianjin,China

Tel: +86 022-28577599

Wechat/Mob:+86 17627811689


Post time: Feb-21-2024