How to maintain the appearance of the safety lock?

First, pay attention to your usual usage habits

Safety locks are usually used to place on some safety equipment, such as fire extinguishing equipment. In order to ensure that the appearance of the safety lock is not damaged, some good habits should be developed during normal use. For example, there is no need to touch the surface of the lock with something with an adhesive surface, and you cannot use tape to seal the lock handle and other parts, otherwise the lock surface will be easily corroded.

Second, pay attention to the usual cleaning habits

When the surface of the safety lock is stained, in addition to cleaning up the stains in time, you should also pay attention to some details. For example, use a dry soft cloth when cleaning, and avoid cleaning with detergents containing chemical substances to avoid fading of the lock; in addition, do not use a wet cloth to wipe the metal lock body or handle, otherwise it will easily cause the lock to rust.


Best regards,
Maria Lee       

Marst Safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd

No. 36, Fagang South Road, Shuanggang Town, Jinnan District,

Tianjin, China

Tel: +86 22-28577599



Post time: Nov-02-2022