Double head eye wash

The desktop eyewash we often say is installed on the countertop as the name implies. In most cases, it is installed on the countertop of the sink. It is mostly used in medical institutions, which is more convenient to use and has a small footprint.
The desktop eyewash is divided into single-head desktop eyewash and double-head desktop eyewash. Before we talked about single-head desktop eyewash, today we will focus on the double-head desktop eyewash, which can also be called double-head eyewash.

Double head eyewash:

Double-head eyewash is used to temporarily reduce the harmful effects of harmful substances on the body in the event of an emergency, when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquids) are sprayed onto the worker’s body, face, eyes, or fire caused by fire Injury, further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.

Double-head eyewash is an indispensable device for safety and labor protection. It is an emergency and protection facility necessary for contact with toxic and corrosive substances such as acids, alkalis and organics. When the eyes or body of the site operator is in contact with toxic and harmful substances and other corrosive chemicals, the eyes and body should be rinsed or showered urgently through an eyewash, mainly to avoid further harm to the human body caused by chemicals.

The use of double head eyewash:

When various liquids are sprayed into the eyes or other parts of the body during work operations in industries, laboratories, workshops, etc., the rapid spraying and rinsing of the double-head eyewash can reduce the damage to a minimum.

Double head eyewash applications:

Chemical, laboratory, industrial, workshop and other fields, including outdoor places.

Post time: Mar-18-2020