I believe that everyone is more concerned about the delivery process when purchasing products. After confirming the purchase intention with the supplier, the seller will provide PI. After the PI is confirmed, the customer will transfer the payment. When the prepayment is confirmed, the seller will arrange the factory production. Once completing the production tasks within the delivery time, the goods are delivered to the freight forwarding warehouse provided by the buyer. Then, the freight forwarder arranges the delivery, the seller provides customs clearance documents, and the buyer clears the goods after the goods arrive at the port, thereby completing the entire order.

This is Rita from Marst. If you have any purchase questions, you can chat with us at any time. Our main products are safety padlocks, eye washes, tripods, and after 20 years of development, our products are exported to South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Solving safety problems for factories.


Marst Safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

No.36, Fagang South Road, Shuanggang Town, Jinnan District,Tianjin,China

Tel: +86 022-28577599

Wechat/Mob:+86 17627811689


Post time: Apr-12-2023