The Usage of Eye Wash And Shower Station

The first 10-15 seconds are critical in an exposure emergency and any delay may cause serious injury. To make sure employees have ample time to reach the emergency shower or eyewash, ANSI requires units to be accessible within 10 seconds or less, which is about 55 feet.

If there is a battery area or a battery charging operation involved, OSHA states: “Facilities for quick drenching of the eyes and body shall be provided within 25 feet (7.62 m) of battery handling areas.”

With regard to installation, if the unit is plumbed or a self-contained unit, the distance between where the exposed employee stands and the drench showerhead should be between 82 and 96 inches.

In some cases, the work area may be separated from the emergency shower or eyewash by a door. This is acceptable as long as the door opens toward the emergency unit. In addition to placement and location concerns, the work area should be maintained in an orderly fashion to ensure unobstructed pathways are available to an exposed employee.

There should also be highly visible, well-lit signs posted in the area to direct exposed employees or those assisting them to the emergency eyewash or shower. An alarm may be installed on the emergency shower or eyewash to alert others of the emergency. This would be especially important for areas where employees work alone.

Post time: Mar-22-2019