MARST 2019 Debriefing Report Minutes

2019 has passed and 2020 has arrived. Every year is worth summing up, affirming progress and correcting regression. On January 11, 2020, Marst report was held in Tianjin. Representatives of various departments and office staff made a detailed summary and profound reflection on this year.

By summing up, we did see our own achievements this year. At the same time, we also found problems and deficiencies in our daily work, and we better understood our future tasks and goals. It has laid the foundation for a better development in 2020, and also made plans.

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A new chapter has begun. In 2020, major business sectors such as safety locks, eye washers, fully automatic shoe machines, and smart pancake machines will blossom in full. We hope that in the new year, we can provide our customers with more satisfactory services and development. More quickly, sesame blossoms are higher and higher.

Post time: Jan-15-2020